My design is for the streetscape of Eagle Rock Blvd. and Colorado Blvd. intersection, but stressing the fact that Colorado Blvd. would see the brunt of the design. The image below is of the streetscape of Colorado Blvd. looking east from Eagle Rock Blvd. and the accompanying plan view.
The median space contains light structures that recognize passing cars, which cause them to blink for a moment as cars move by. Once the light structure flashes based on the motion sensor within them, it will collect each moment as a form of energy to utilize in some manner.
My concept for the intersection of Eagle Rock Blvd. and Colorado Blvd. was to imply words that epitomizes my group's design and the story that I am trying to tell. I chose the following words and phrases: "Nature at Play" (my group's project name), "Community", "Energy", and " Eagle Rock". Below is the plan view of the intersection design.
The intention in the words help to unit at the center the idea of sustainability in a community willing and able to change to make a difference.
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